Monday, January 7, 2008

Video conferencing for Non-Techies Like Me

Hi everyone,

Since this is my very first post to my new blog - I wanted to make sure you know how completely and utterly NON-TECHNICAL I am!

You see, I just recently figured out how to change the colors of text in word documents! I know enough about computers to be dangerous - mostly to myself.

So what does this have to do with video conferencing? It means that if I can figure out how to have a video conference - so can ANYONE else.

My husband of 20 years even started laughing when I told him that I was going to help launch a company to develop software for video and web conferencing. He knows I'm not the most technical - hey, I even have trouble with the DVD player - but I'm learning!

So how did this all start?

On Craig's List!

One day I was poking around the business ads on Craig's list and I saw an ad that read:

WANTED: Business Partner to Launch Marketing & Website For Revolutionary Software Company.

I was I sent an email.

To make a long story short, I met with Ron several times (at Dunn Brothers Coffee shop in Hudson, WI - my husband didn't want me getting murdered...or worse!) and we hit it off.

He demonstrated the software to me...I jumped right in...and we formed a partnership.

I'm finding that a partnership is a lot like being married. Sorry Andy, if you're reading this!

You have your good days and bad days. And some times I just want to wring Ron's neck!

More on that here I am blogging!

Thanks for stopping by!


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