Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Practice Your Web Conference to Be Perfect

Have you ever attended a web conference where the presenter is fumbling through the interface? Wondering what buttons to press for certain functions? And complaining about the technology throughout their entire presentation?

Or conversely, have you attended a web conference where the presenter is smooth as butter? Knows the material, the navigation of the software, and provides an outstanding experience for your presentation?

These are two extremes of a web conference.

It really is a matter of "Practice makes Perfect".

You wouldn't go in front of a live audience with a speech you had rehearsed for only 5 minutes, would you? Yet people do that every day with web conferencing technology.

You need to practice if you want to deliver a great user experience on your web conferencing platform. Otherwise you'll lose customers - and sales.

At www.videoliveconferences, you can practice all you want for FREE for 30 days! How can I assist you with your audio and web conferencing needs?


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