Monday, December 28, 2009

12 Reasons to Hold An Interactive Web Conference

Happy Almost New Year!

Have you ever received a poorly written email that got misinterpreted?

Or has an email you've written ever lead to an incorrect response or an emotional reaction?

And caused tension for days before you even noticed there was a problem?

If so, then holding an intereactive web conference can solve a lot of misunderstandings and hard feelings.

Here's 12 Reasons You Should Hold An Interactive Web Conference to Be More Productive:

1. When you are mad or emotional

2. When the other person is mad or emotional

3. When there is a conflict on an item

4. When you need to convince someone to change his/her position

5. When you aren't sure others will interpret your email correctly

6. When someone sends an email that seems out of character for him/her

7. When you aren't sure how to interpres someone else's email

8. When someone asks you something confusing in an email

9. When you are concerned how the other person will react

10. When many people need to provide repeated input

11. When you want to show empathy, concern for the other person's reaction

12. When you believe 2-way dialogue would be most effective

And now you can hold as many interactive web conferences as you need HERE for only $79 dollars a month for up to 50 guests.

